This Organization shall be known as the “Black Association of New Orleans Fire Fighters”, hereinafter referred to as “BANOFF”. This organization is a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Louisiana, duly recorded in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Louisiana in the Record of non-profit Corporation Book 44 on May 10, 1978, as described in the Articles of Incorporation. This corporation is organized for charitable and educational purposes, including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Codes of 1954 ( or corresponding division of any future United States IRS law.) As minority Fire Services employees, being acutely aware of the increasing complexity of our problems and those of our community, we, the members feel compelled to unite into a proactive organization. The focus of this organization includes studying and solving the major problems affecting our community and the fire department. Alternative means of accomplishing our goals include officering guidance, providing educational opportunities and cultivating and maintaining professional competence. We further propose to establish unity and fellowship with the community; thus, improving the social status of our people and consequently increasing professional efficiency within the department. Additionally we will serve as a vanguard to ensure fairness and justice to all qualified applicants, thereby increasing career opportunity for all members of the community.
We will encourage and monitor the hiring and promoting of qualified minorities within the fire service until all ranks are reflective of the divers culture/racial composition of the qualified employable pool of Orleans Parish residents. With this, we form ourselves into an organization.The International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) is a fraternal organization within the fire service. The idea of forming an international organization of Black firefighters was first advanced by Vincent Julius and John Ruffins, both members of the Vulcan Society of New York City, Inc., in 1960. It took nine years before a national effort could be mounted, which occurred after the 1968 civil disturbances. To address the lack of substantial access into the Fire Service, upward mobility opportunities, ineffective efforts in the reduction of fire deaths and property loss, and conversation in the communities of greatest need, it therefore became incumbent upon Black professional firefighters to press for wide-scale nationwide reform.
In September of 1969, Black and minority firefighters of all ranks from municipalities across the United States met in New York City for two days of discussion on the injustices that exist in the following categories:
• The recruitment and retention of Black youths into the fabric of the fire service
• Fire department’s community relations, practices, and fire prevention programs. Out of this very productive meeting the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters was born.

NOFD Firsts: 1st Black Firefighter/Operator: George Oliver Mondy Jr. , 1st Black Captain: Sigmund Joshua, First (black) Female hired by NOFD: Kathy Wilkerson, 1st Black District Chief: Gary Haydel, First Black Hazmat Captain: Joel Holmes, First Black Deputy Chief recognized after civil service testing: Larry White, First Black Superintendent: Warren McDaniels.